gfunk1134 Member


  • I’ve been keto for 2.5 years, lost over 70 pounds, never cheat, and I never worry about my ketone levels. I just don’t check. If you’re eating under 20 carbs you’re in ketosis. There could be so many reasons why your BHB levels are off. Your strips or machine could be off. Just keep on ketoing on. I also think your…
  • Congrats! I've been on Keto now for over two years. Lost over 75 pounds (gained some muscle so the scale only shows around 72) in the first year. Cholesterol is down (HDL is up!) even with all the fat i eat. Absolutely love the way I eat and never going back to carbs.
  • The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living. Amazing book on the science of a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet.
  • As a dude let me say this. Get Out!. He's is 100% not going to get better and start trusting you. This guy has serious insecurities and the fact that he's already invaded your personal space (phone and fb) is a sign he has no control acting on those insecurities. If it was just asking you constantly where you are, maybe…
  • Hot power vinyasa here! Love it!
  • Curvy girls can be sexy and skinny girls can be sexy. Every guy likes something else. You should do what you like (I happen to love yoga) and find a guy who likes you for you.