stiches987 Member


  • its all about calories, carbs, fats. stick to the right amount of calories. some times its just your body metabolism, everyone's is different. stay the course
  • boca burger, peanut butter on low carb bread or rice cake, I even eat vegan hot dogs for breakfast, .. make breakfast your own type of food. I eat lots of peanut butter love it went vegan, so breakfast is vegan eggs, hot dogs, boca burger, or pasta zero w steamed veg and can't believe its not butter... all delish and low
  • you need to work with a nutritionist. They will guide you. most ins. will pay for this. On my many yo yo dieting over the years. WW was the best.. they started me at l500 cal per day.. then as I lost a certain % of the weight they lowered the calories to l300, then l200 calories. however, I did my own eating program. I…
  • ok... pick the calories per meal you eat... select 2 - 3 choices you like and vary between them for each meal. I do this for breakfast/lunch and dinner.. this way I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat ... ie.. oatmeal for breakfast 150 cal or one egg and toast l50 cal. I've been able to loose this way and then…