ioanahance Member


  • I used the web version and it all worked beautifully, pretty self explanatory. It's like something is wrong with my app. I will continue to poke around. Thanks everyone
  • I go to "Meals, Recipes, Foods" and click on Foods. I go at the top search field and type "apple" or "egg". It says nothing found??? But it gives me the option at the bottom to "Create Food" by entering brand, serving size etc but that's not what I need. I just want to select "1 medium apple" from the database. Except I…
  • I sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 1999, I was 25 years old. As you probably know, MS is very different in symptoms and progression from one person to another. There is no question that one of the best things we can do for ourselves is have a healthy eating plan and lifestyle. I read Dr Wahls book and…
  • Hi - did you ever figure it out? I am new and have a hard time finding out how to add simple foods such as pepper, apple etc