NovusDies, very very helpful words. Patience and self knowledge win the day. Thanks for taking the time to reply. CrownCourt, you must be so pleased with your progress! Keep looking forward and enjoy the journey.
springlering62, really helpful to hear about your habits and changes. Moving forward and wanting to develop that confidence, gratitude and patience that you mentioned.
Hi Marianne and Amethyst. Wishing you thebest! Only 5 days logging in here and 20 lbs to lose. I'm working out by walking my dog and doing Jessica Smith strength and cardio videos. How about you?
Thanks John772016. 110 is quite an accomplishment! Thanks FitVibration!
Congratulations to those of you who are maintaining! It is really so hepful to read. I'm sorry not to be ableto post individual replies unless I see them right away.
Oh my, really great to hear from you all! I am inspired! Thanks for taking the time to reply!
Thanks Mike. I'll look into ways I can do that here at home until our gym opens.
Thanks Mike. Good to know there are many my age here. Re-starting low-impact power walking at home with Jessica Smith tv. Here's hoping I can move forward replacing those 20 lbs of fat with muscle!