nresonbrown Member


  • Cheat days are a terrible idea. Your stomach gets used to eating a certain amount, so it's best to maintain that. If you find you need cheat days, just eat a little more on normal days and maintain a smaller deficit.
  • Basic strategy: you'll go into starvation mode (which is bad and causes weight to come back) if you lose more than 10% of your body weight in 6 months, roughly. So, get an exercise routine with plenty of cardio and a bit of weights work, and run a caloric debt until you've dropped 10%. Then start eating more to hold at…
  • This might be relevant: I've noticed my UP3 calorie adjustments have gone WAY up recently, such that walking about 4k steps yielded a 2k calorie burn. That's not how it used to be for me. Perhaps there's some new bug related to this?