fasterpssycat Member


  • This is my week one result doing the exercises for the 2-week abs, with 16:8 intermittent fasting. Pink pants are week 1.
  • Live just on the other side of the border from Bluffton. It's beautiful but also getting built up in a way that is kinda destroying the whole reason people want to move out there to begin with. Cost of living is going up as more outside money moves in.
  • My benchmark - are things listed on the label identifiable foods with sources I can know without a Google search or is it a chemical name I'd have to look up to locate the source?
  • I really dislike the taste of whey protein, and though I am not a vegetarian, I prefer the vegan protein powders. I think they have less aftertaste. I really like the VegaOne french vanilla with unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk mixed in my green smoothies.
  • My personal take is that people focus on calorie deficit over substance because it's easier and requires less overall commitment to change. To pretend what is in the food you eat doesn't matter is ridiculous. Will you still lose weight eating packaged foods? Sure? But for me it slows my loss and leaves me feeling all the…
  • I mean, there are posts I specifically stay out of because the title is pretty much "HEY LET'S HAVE AN AVENUE FOR FLIRTING AND INNUENDO." Not surprising. This site, due to the nature of its purposes, is going to have people who end up seeking validation. Most of the time it's via support and likes for exercise…
  • Dukes Mayo is love. It makes sandwiches and deviled eggs delicious.
  • I don't like the taste of whey protein and loved the chocolate vegan Shakeology. Vega One is @$50 for an almost 2-pound container. I really like it and there are a variety of flavors. It's available at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, or you can get it from Amazon. It's got very similar ingredients and I feel eh same as when I was…
  • We have a formal wedding in Miami coming up in December. I want to be able to wear a slinky little dress, a cute swimsuit on the beach, and a sexy club dress when we go out at night without feeling like a fat girl trying to hard.
  • I was 320 at one point. I used Weight Watchers to get my portions under control, then did a primal diet. That eventually morphed into reduced sugar, natural carbs, low sugar baked goods. I'm down just over 100 pounds and finally working on the last 60. Now my diet is calorie counting with lean protein and a 45C/35P/25F…
  • Being vain is not the same as being a narcissist. I feel like people use words too freely without appropriate context these days. See also: bipolar.
  • While I've never been a fan of drinking another animal's lactate with a meal, I'm not giving up cheese or butter or yogurt or sour cream or ice cream. Almond and coconut milks taste better to me because I've always just really not liked milk, but if you are consuming anything created and sold under capitalism it is…
  • Playing in my mirror on a day off.
  • My husband has always been naturally thin. He actually talks about wanting to put on weight. He doesn't make fun of me but he's also not really supportive or cheering me on. He thinks I'm fine the way I am and maybe a little incredulous that I'll stick to it. He does react positively when I tell him about a new milestone,…
  • I make a batch of Kim Snyder's candida glowing green smoothie, put 8 oz portions in mason jars, put those in the freezer, then take them down at night. The next day I'll have one with half a cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk and Vega One french vanilla protein powder. If I feel like adding fruit I just dump it in the…
  • Great job! On a similar journey. You're killing it!
  • You can add ground cocoa nibs with a loose tea you like.
  • PREACH Also, I'm sorry you're having to do that for a serious health issue. I had a seizure once after my fourth head trauma and it was the scariest thing ever. I hope you are well!
  • Everyone's body is different. I used a paleo/primal diet to jumpstart a hundred pound weight loss and used it to cut my taste for sugar, which worked really well. But it isn't sustainable for me forever. Some people can adopt it as a lifestyle and it works for them. I personally feel drained and tired and foggy without…
  • Hello! I am about to go into week three of clean eating, counting my calories, working out, tracking steps, and all that jazz to see if I can't whittle down a bit. Could always use more friends! Let's motivate each other!
  • I don't really consider myself a fashionista because in my mind I'd have to be small enough to be able to fit in the clothes of most stores and labels easily, but I am a peacock. I have a bodacious hourglass figure, but I'm right on that 14/16 cusp that makes it hard to shop at mosts places. I love dresses and jewelry and…
  • I'm having the exact same issue. I have my macros set at 40%C/25%F/35%P and cannot get enough protein, usually without going over my fat, even though I'm focused on lean protein (fat-free greek yogurt is a daily staple). The grams seem so high! I'm trying to do the Piyo program for 60 days and have tried to follow the Get…
  • It sounds like you're doing exercises that, depending on how your body works, could be building up those muscles faster than you're losing fat. I have to be very careful about weight training because I bulk up quickly. My mom and I both can muscle up like tanks, it's nuts. She went to a trainer once and mentioned how fast…
  • My student loans paid off.
  • I'm on Day 2 of Piyo. this is my second time giving it a go. I really love this workout!