CalorieCounterGuy Member


  • It's on the switch isn't it..
  • Wait, Zelda is my favorite game of all time. What's the new version?
  • Completely! Being consistent is so key, you are so right, and I love recording everything I put into my body because it makes me more aware of what I'm actually eating and more importantly, it really does work! I know I will be better soon, I just did an acupuncture as well and it helped. Oh man the gym is 1.3 miles away,…
  • Thank you! Yeah I'll bounce back quick because I know what to do because I have experience in rehab therapy, thank you for the encouragement!
  • Oh such a wonderful idea, I am totally swimming tonight! You are number one for the idea!
  • Hahah ok I thought I was making a Title description there with my first post.. I created this Topic because I re-injured my back two nights ago and am slightly frustrated because I know the best thing to do is to stop working out and fully rehab my back (icing, stretching, massage) for the next few days until it's safe…
  • I love Zelda. I have been playing Boom Beach, have to keep it mobile recently..
  • Oh MFP was yelling at me so bad, I was like I'M SORRY!! and I rushed to the kitchen and ate a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter as well and whatever else I could find. I was just wasn't hungry, geeeez.
  • I am having trouble eating my daily minimum requirement, at least that has been the case for the past two days. I am doing intermittent fasting, and my first meal starts at 2, and the thing with eating healthy foods (at least some healthy foods) is that they do not have a lot of calories but you are actually physically…
  • These all look so good! Mine is rather boring but I like it
  • Just got them, let's see if I'm pregnant!
  • Oh wow! Thank you, I am learning so much. I am going Walgreens today for sure. I totally thought it was calories and not grams of carbs - shows what I know! I do Body for life (on the cardio/weight side of things), I love it! Can't wait to hear your progress.
  • Another question: How do you know when you are kicked out of ketosis or not? I remember reading somewhere if you digest something under 40-50 calories, it shouldn't kick you out. A banana has about 100 calories, how does it not kick you out but will kick someone else out? Thanks for sharing, I'm learning.
  • Hahaha no genuine curiosity.
  • Maybe I can buy a man purse or a fanny pack and sneak my healthy popcorn in, then I will really get the girls!
  • I think that is great that you are doing the HIIT circuit class once a week, and with your coworkers because it kind of holds you accountable for not going (if you ever end up not going) and you don't want to be the person that doesn't show up! Also, it's fun doing something in a group, which is why this group is great as…
  • What does the banana do before the gym @alligatorpete ?
  • Kavita probiotic sparking water? Interesting, I think I will try it next time I go to the store. I have been drinking Kombucha for my probiotic, usually ginger or one with greens and spirulina. Oh also, I just got an air popper to pop organic popcorn kernels. 2 tablespoons of kernals makes quite a bowl, fills you up and…
  • @mom23mangos Oh wow, I will check it out. His whole thing on the diet side is not to count calories, but portion sizes and to eat 6 times a day. I am counting calories, and not eating six times a day - I will see how it goes!
  • Ok going to get a scale right now. Wait wait, do you just put wax paper on the scale when measure raw meat or cooked meat, to keep the scale clean? Hahaha got to get everything while I'm out!
  • Yeah I'm excited! I basically don't eat until around noon (except for a cup of coffee), and I thought at first this would be difficult, but in all reality, I am able to get up, focus, and stay focused doing what I need to do workwise until my first meal, it's quite amazing! Before, I would get sluggish and my focus wasn't…
  • For exercising, I am doing the Body for Life program. For eating, I am doing a combo of intermittent fasting and using this app to calorie count. I did 5x5 before, and it was fun, I did really enjoy it.
  • How is everyone measuring their food? I have trouble with this! I Mean look at my belly people! Hhaha kidding, but seriously. 3 oz of chicken is a normal serving, or 3 oz of salmon, but do I need to go get a kitchen scale? I think I need a kitchen scale.
  • I have used the Body for Life program on and off for over 15 years, I love it. I have tweaked it a little. For example, during weight lifting, I make it a little more cardio like by doing one set (12 reps) of one muscle, then immediately do one set (12 reps) of the next muscle, then immediately go back to the first muslce…
  • Hi I'll be your friend, I don't have any either lol! Let's do this!