Ronelene Member


  • Get use to it black... I was able too, and is so much easier, cheaper..and healthier..
  • Its very tough, you can do it...Indeed.. Please check out Bright Line Eating.. it`s on facebook too.. Changes the way we think, no sugar, flour, etc...Just look into it. The Dr. lady Dr. offers so much support.. That is what motivated me back here... Try sipping hot chamomile tea at night... No sugars... Air dried popcorn.…
  • Not sure, as I am new too... But I believe, it is someone who is paying for the full benefits of this site..
  • You can do it!! Please, check out Bright Line Eating... Its on facebook too.. changes the way addictive people think...I think it sounds, to me, like this could be great for you.. I will be doing it as well.. Sign up for 14 day challenge in March, and her book will come free with the challenge..