Hattifattener89 Member


  • Thanks Spyro - I'm in my 30s now too. It's good to hear you went on to have a good loss in the first month anyway. Let's hope it's not just age or by our 50's we'll need to be eating negative calories to maintain ;) Thanks to everyone one for replying, I'll take the advice and be more patient!
  • Thanks everyone - I will try and be patient and see where I am in a couple weeks. It's just frustrating because I know I do normally loose most in the initial weeks, and the of course it gradually flattens off over time. Maybe I'll post an update in this thread to see if there are any other ideas if things haven't moved.…
  • And just to add incase you are wondering - I'm not guessing at kcals, absolutely everything is weighed, measured and logged.