zenshin345 Member


  • The standard for me is turkey sausage, eggs, and a sweet potato. Sometimes I'll bake the sweet potato, other times it will be shredded and made into hash browns. Or you can also slice the sweet potatoes (or butternut squash) to create little mini sandwiches.
  • Hit 205 lbs and start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu :) Started at 320 lbs, down to 265 lbs. Aiming to see how far I can get this year. Other goals are mostly strength related. Aiming to get at least a 400 lbs. deadlift by the end of the year. Hopefully more.
  • Many thanks for mentioning this group! I have just joined. Thank you for the invitation Linia! Surprised to see such a huge group too, wishing that much more I had joined MFP sooner.