Ninebark43 Member


  • Hi! I was around there but have 1 lb left to go. However, I would love to encourage you! My next goal is to just keep up the healthy habits and tone up. :) I'm 26 yrs old.
  • Add me please! :) Also-- Anyone interested in joining a rollerblading group with me in the Winnipeg-Morris-Winkler area? It would be at your own risk! I'm not an experienced rollerblader at all, but add and msg me if you're interested! I'll see how big a group could show up, see if its worth it! Thanks! Or just a general…
  • Not sure how to delete my other post like this...
  • Hello, I'm Holly. I added a bunch of you! I swear I must've gone like 5 or 6 pages back adding ppl. Lol Feel free to add me, I'd love to be your friend! I was having a hard time getting back on track with exercising & eating better after my holiday, so I started looking for an accountability partner. I have less than 10lbs…
  • I love this quote. I try to remember to say to myself everyday, "todays the best day of my life, " even if I dont even know what the highlight was yet. I find that even just saying it either gives me hope if things aren't looking so great (like period cramps trying to kill me) or it just seems to shed sunshine on my mood…
  • Me too! My names Holly. I'm new here. I finally buckled down & exercised last night after about 2 months of being on exercise-holiday. Lol I went on a trip in February, and since then its been hard to motivate myself to get back into exercising. But I sure don't have a hard time eating- I even start looking for snacks when…