DShaull315 Member


  • So in the study they had the high-fat diet rats, and high-carb diet rats. They compared exercise performance and didn't see a statistical difference. And then when they switched the diets (fat diet rats ate carbs, carb diet rats ate fat) the carb diet rats underperformed not just the fat diet rats, but also their previous…
  • Animals' bodies adapt to the fuel they experience the most, we are not an exception: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2308519
  • I think most people will know that when I say limitless I don't mean 100%. It's in reference to the fact that in our evolutionary history we would have needed to go without carbs for periods of time, and in our current civilizations we never have to.
  • It is true to say that regardless of what you're eating (carbs vs fat) if you are experiencing a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. That said, adjusting to ketosis (adjusting to a low carb diet) "tunes" your body to burn fat. In the developed world we are inundated with limitless carbohydrates from birth, so it's no…