Cathietc Member


  • I understand what you are going through. My husband is somewhat the same (he isn't diabetic). I wouldn't say he is not supportive but he isn't supportive either. He eats what he wants and is a definite snacker and a dessert eater. I have been following a low carb (Keto) way of eating for the last 2 months. It hasn't always…
  • Hi. Please add me I have been back with MFP for a couple of months now and am motivated and ready to find friends to keep me and help them stay accountable.
  • Add me also. I had over 120 pounds to loose and after doing well on my own for 2 months I find that I am not holding myself accountable as well as I was when I started and can use all the support we can give each other.
  • Hi All, Hope I'm not too late. I would love to do this. My goals would be to stay a t 30 total grams of carbs per day and loose 10 lbs.