vdesiree2017 Member


  • @lplummer324 heyyy im glad to hear it worked for you!! Its working for me i mean im alwayssss hungry. Like today i ate 3! Yes 3 wopper jrs & 3 fries. How? Idk i had a coupon for burger king and i used it lmao. After that i felt hungry, 1 hr later i was at dennys. But anyways. i started the pills 3/18/17 at 91 pounds.…
  • @mamafree79 add me idk how to friend people here (im new)
  • @mamafree79 heyy i will friend you. im glad to hear its working for you. RN its working for me. I take 2 pills per day. One in am the other one b4 dinner and in 4 days ive gain 3 pounds!!!! its not much but for me its. I am at 94pounds now. the pills make me soo hungry. next week same day as today(Wednesday) i will weight…
  • @psulemon well i just want to reach 115 pounds and thats it after im 115 pounds and if i get an "ugly" stomach then ill work out ( i dnt mind working out) but to be honest I just want to gain weight and thats it. RN im skinny 91 pounds but i got curves so I know if i gain weight ofc those curves will be bigger lol (all…
  • @trigden1991 idc if i get too fat lol ive never been 100 pounds only when i was pregnant. i can always work out and get in shape. I JUST WANT TO GAIN WEIGHT
  • thank you @psulemon