dillmockingbird Member


  • I reached day 4 of level 3 but have to take 2 weeks break because my doctor had prohibited "strenuous activities" after my minor surgery. When I get back to the work-out, do I return to Level 3 or do I go back to Level 1? Can you guys recommend non-strenuous exercise I can do in the meantime? Stopping right now is kinda…
  • Jillian recommends 5 to 6 consecutive days a week with rest days. Personally, I just take 1 rest day because if I take 2 consecutive rest days, the next time I work out again will be super horrible, like I am going back to square 1. :(
  • OH GOD. I am not alone!!! How are you faring so far? Have you "lost" the weight you "gained"?
  • Can someone please help me? I am on day 3 of Level 3 and I observed my abdominal muscles are not as defined as they were when I was half-way of level 2. I also observed that I gained weighed (according to the weighing scale). I do not understand this since I am more tired doing Level 3 than Levels 1 and 2 :( Am I doing…
  • Can someone please help me? I am now on level 3, day 2 and I noticed I gained weight (according to the weighing scale) and that the muscles is my abdomen are not as defined as they were when I was half-way finishing level 2. I am confused because I find level 3 more challenging and difficult than level 2 and I sweat more…
  • I realize this thread is for those who finished but...I want to ask for advice from those of you who actually finished/continuously slaying this program. How do I keep my abs engaged all throughout the routine? I am finding it hard to focus engaging my abs while I am struggling to finish the routine! Also, I am on day 4…
  • I'm on day 4. I have a question though. How do you keep you abs engaged all throughout the exercise? Jillian emphasizes that abs must be tight but I am finding it hard to focus on engaging my abs while I am struggling to finish the whole routine :( Also, I haven't noticed any difference in my body yet.