For those using coconut oil, how do you manage to stay within your fat gram goal? One cup of Bulletproof coffee and half of my fat grams are gone! :( It sure would be nice if the BP coffee didn't count! ;)
What I posted has nothing to do with blogs, magazines, "what men really want" and the other BS you said. I posted something that refers to a legitimate peer-reviewed double-blind study (that means backed by science, BTW) that can be found in many medical journals. Maybe you have my comments confused with something else?
Nope, not a magic potion, just scientific fact.
Oh wow, you sure have my sympathy! I have not experienced RA anywhere near your level but wanted to pass along that a gluten-free/allergen-free diet helped me tremendously by reducing inflammation and increasing energy. The difference for me is incredible and perhaps it may help you too.
The peer-reviewed double-blind studies that he cites are still legitimate, regardless of opinions; the studies are not HIS studies.
1. In a previous post, you said, "facts are made by peer-reviewed studies;" the video cites not just peer-reviewed, but also double-blind, studies. Just because you don't like someone's voice "enough to make (you) punch infants" (!) in a video does not negate the validity of the science referenced in the video. 2. Nobody…
@Look_Its_Kriss -- You're absolutely right, but you should watch the video before you comment! It's a very reliable science-based source by a licensed physician and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. The website also ensures that the research results are appropriately…
- It helps me sleep better, it helps control my blood sugar, and it gives me energy! The more BRAGG'S Organic Raw ACV with the mother I have, the better I feel! And YES, it does help with weight loss! The video in the link above explains why. I have worked…
Do you have any food allergies or inflammation going on? If so, that will do it! On the other hand, if you are young and still growing, as you indicate below, then gaining weight is normal, especially with that much gain in height.
Although quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is often referred to as a grain, it is NOT a grain, but actually a SEED, and a member of the swiss chard family. I am allergic to many foods and eat it almost every day, usually for breakfast. I like the RED quinoa (Ancient Harvest) the best; 1/3 cup (dry) cooked (boiled) on the…