heyzoey Member


  • these are all such good ideas! I love adding lemon preserves to mine before baking. I'm not sure the exact recipe my mom uses but she gave me a jar of crushed lemon preserves (something like this http://www.daringgourmet.com/how-to-make-preserved-lemons-moroccan-middle-eastern-cooking/) and it's super easy to add on top of…
  • thanks everyone for your input! you guys raise some good points :) I guess I need to decide what my goals are in terms of working out and how much effort I am willing to put in, realistically. I'm still totally new at this and want to try different exercises! I also need to figure out a good diet plan including…
  • looooove nutritional yeast! i used to sprinkle it on popcorn all the time! and on top of vegetables. if you've ever made vegan mac and cheese, this is the most important ingredient to get that "cheesy" flavour
  • omg this looks amazing! It's also perfect for me because I've had this bag of red split lentils for the longest time and keep forgetting about it! I rarely cook with lentils but it's time to get started! Thanks for linking the recipe :)
  • thank you everyone! these are all super helpful :)
  • oooh i've never had chicken with salsa before! sounds amazing, will definitely try that soon!
  • Thank you! That's really helpful :) I think i'll stick to what I'm doing now, and maybe a bit more. I find it really hard to get close to 100g and since I don't work out all the time, it should be good.