dreamAbetterMe Member


  • Thank you for sharing, truly! Because of your post, o did research on it and ordered a similar all natural product. Should come in the mail tomorrow! I know it says it can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months to take effect but I'm really hopeful this will do me some good. I will keep you all posted on my…
  • I just made a week of keto meals and we'll see how it goes! I feel like I'm cheating by eating all these meats and cheeses but hey guess it's keto? Lol
  • Yes please keep me posted! I know I would probably be prescribed it if I went to the doctors. I heard that it takes a couple weeks to go into effect? Not sure but yes I'd like to know if you have any side effects, etc! Thanks!
  • I have a similar issue with blowing up in my 20s and growing hair in unfortunate places :/ it's probably what bothers me more than my weight. Is there a way to reverse it? Any medication?
  • I have PCOS and have suffered from it since puberty, but in late college the weight exponentially put on and other symptoms came on. This year at 26 years old, I really am pushing myself to change and take care of myself. No more excuses! I haven't even gone to a doctor to treat this but now I just have to do it! Please…
  • Sent friend request! PCOS has battered my life for years now, has made be depressed with the symptoms like facial hair growth and more... making a change to fight it in 2017! -15 pounds and 75 more to go!
  • I'd love for people to add me/ vice versa! I just recently started back up and am very motivated to track every day and it helps to have those around hold us accountable! I need more accountability buddies as well as friends who can recommend gym workouts!
  • I had the same problem, but I gained 60 pounds since college. So frustrating right?! Let's keep each other accountable! Let's get 10,000 steps today!
  • I've just been using a treadmill at the gym but I think when I build up more stamina I will run at the park during summer! That gives me 2 months to prep and not look like death in the face while running in the heat lol anyone else have a problem with their FULL face turning RED? Haha
  • I'm single but even just seeing my friends on the weekends is enough to mess up my good habits throughout the week. It's hard to stay strong when you want to have fun with friends and not be the only one not drinking or eating. My friend nick and I have tried fixing this by cooking a yummy 'healthy' meal instead of going…
  • I think weekends are the hardest to stick to healthier options. I always cheat and St. Pattys day was the worst so far lol so much pizza! I didn't lose any weight last week and I think it's because of that. I'm going to be better this coming weekend. And I plan to go to the gym Monday -Thursday, maybe Friday too! To keep…
  • Madison- definitely start with snacks! Since snacking is where it really gets ya! For my "snack" at work I do one cup red grapes and 1 serving baby carrots and a slice or two of Laughing Cow spicy pepper jack cheese -- SOOO GOOD lol make it a goal to prep 5 snacks for Monday - Friday ! Baby steps! Also with the 5k, great…
  • I have definitely gone down that road of starting and stopping. It is hard in college when there are so many quick fast food places around. But that's awesome that you're family will help you get healthier foods! Do you live near them to be able to go home on the weekends? I ask this because what has helped me more than…
  • Hi Madison! Congratulations on taking the first steps to a better lifestyle! I'd be more than happy to help support and motivate you to meet your goals! Im 26 and have been overweight for 6 years since my PCOS really flared up. At the end of January this year I decided to make a change and eat better and exercise. So far…