jpb6045 Member


  • Good Morning everyone, New to the group. My May plan Go to bed early so I can get a good night sleep and arise early for work. Present bedtime anywhere from 10pm - 2am. Alarm 6:30am. Up my steps from 4,000 to 6,000 a day Exercise 4/5 days a wk Eat Breakfast Stop eating out at lunchtime. Bring lunch from I can…
  • Very good reply. I totally agree with you Very good reply. I totally agree with you
  • Yes I could definitely use some stretching. I also sit at a desk most of the day. Neck and shoulders get tight a lot. I try stretching some by going to the copier outside my office which is not far at all.
  • It has help me.
  • Hi there YES_I_CAN17, I joined last year but got slack since my co-worker stop begin faithful to the myfitness and she was the one who told me about it. But I'm back on track now by myself and it has been very rewarding. I lost 5lbs and that has made me proud. Yes that mid section is always the last to go. I did a detox…