1982__Emma Member


  • I was with my partner for five years, but 2016 was a rough road for us and he started critiquing my appearance and my body regularly. Comments such as 'go look at yourself in the mirror', 'I want a skinny girlfriend', 'I am embarrassed to be seen with you', and 'you're not losing weight fast enough'. Apparently this was to…
  • You: Think of number Him: 10 You: Times that number by 5 Him: 50 You: Now divide it by 2 Him: 25 You: Now subtract 25 Him: 0 You: And that is the number of f*cks I give about your opinion Smile. Walk away, staring intently at him.
  • Thanks all for your support, I have been overwhelmed with the number of messages I have received with others experiencing similar issues when it comes to food, feelings of self worth, poor self esteem, negative coping mechanisms etc. It has been fantastic to hear from you all, keep it coming. Happy Easter all x
  • Wow there are a lot of things I am relating to on here. For two months I was counting calories, hitting the gym, and losing weight at a good pace. Then one day it basically all went downhill, and when I binge, I binge hard, so much so that the weight I have lost has come back, in month! It is very much an escape and I…
  • Thanks all for your replies, great to feel no judgements and a lot of support. Yes my binging is not really about food at all, it masks a whole lot of other things!