NoFilter1977 Member


  • We have different tastes.. My girlfriend and I. I can't eat the high carb stuff she eats, cause diabetic, so I'm eating eggs and sausage. She did make me get a large bag o' cheese which she can't live without.. that's about $10 by itself. edit: I think it may be skewed some because my girlfriend seems to mostly eat…
  • I hear ya! I went shopping for chicken. If I want to buy 2 breasts it cost $7. It cost $11 for about 6 breasts. I'm trying to wrestle with the idea of paying a lot for a little or a little for a lot..and have waste. We don't want chicken breasts 3 times in however few days chicken lasts in the fridge. I can't stand frozen…
  • I have a 9 cu.ft. It is in an RV. It has a small freezer. My girlfriend takes it almost completely up with her must haves. I do have a little room in there for my ice and popsicles. lol. There is 1 bag of frozen onions and peppers dancing around in there tho.
  • I live ~5 miles (8 km) from the store. I guess I could start asking for better ideas for eating at home? I spent $50 just for our breakfast items for the week. :(
  • You need to teach me this $100 grocery budget for a family of 5! I really love vegetables, but I'm hoping the thread takes a turn away from the vegetable discussion. I'm trying to research this, but need some ideas outside my train of thought. I need to save money and don't wanna live of the value menu at McDonalds. :D
  • I have gotten those package salads from Walmart before. I think they are $4 or so. I wish they were bigger, but it probably is a cheaper option than buying stuff to make salads. Plus they are portioned out. Thanks for the idea.. well, you said "salad bar" but you made me think of this. Only salad bar near me is crazy…
  • To be honest, sometimes I buy a lot and have all this stuff I'm preparing to eat for the week. I get bored pretty quick and don't end up eating it all. Sometimes a head of lettuce is too much. When I stick to my plan it works, but using all the veggies gets expensive even if there is no waste. I will end up spending…
  • I feel the same as always. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Turning 40 does seems to have more of an impact on my will tho.