Gotta thing for chest tats, so right on lol
Light mist
True. TNP has won a lot of money in Las Vegas before.
Thanks, love. I know what you're going through. I'm taking care of my sick father as well. We are a special kind of people ❤️❤️ Yes, I'm familiar with all of those illnesses you listed; my mom had those plus more. I know you're doing everything in your power to keep them healthy, but please make sure to take care of you…
Trolley Operator
Kid cuisine
Exactly! We have to do it for ourselves first and foremost, and secondly to be around for those who love and need us! Sorry for your loss, hun.
Wow, thank you for sharing your story too, love. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing someone so close to you can throw everything off track, but I know they're proud of us for not giving up. I wish you love and success on your journey too. ❤️❤️❤️
Boy toy
Thank you, dear. Yes, slow and steady seems to be winning the race.
Yes. I cut my ex off because I gained 30 lb once I got with him. I was just fine on my own. A bad influence all around though, girl lol I'm back on my health kick though and won't deter again no matter who I get with! Feel free to add me.
This is good advice! Thank you. I will add you to keep up with your journey! Yes, we can do this! I'm going to make it mind over matter.
Thanks for your input, hun! ❤️
Thanks for your input, hun! I keep responding to you, and it's not showing up lol... this is my third attempt! Anyway, I said I agree about starting small so that we don't burn out! It's so easy to become discouraged that way. I wish you lots of success on your journey! :)
Thank you very much, Becky! I gave up on exercise too, but I'm trying to keep a variety going so I don't get bored easily (Taurus with Moon Gemini here lol). I really appreciate your understanding and support. Good luck on your journey too, hun! One quote my brother always told me is, "if you're tired of starting over,…