carmen412 Member


  • Amy Lee a few times. And once a woman said I looked like Shirley Maclaine from the 1930s.
  • You can add me!
  • Thank you for posting this. I have tried to explain this feeling to friends who end up looking at me like I grew a third nostril. I was beginning to think something was really wrong with me. Sometimes I am so hungry I feel physical pain, but I'm also feel really full.
  • It tastes like the candy, but not completely. I've had friends who hate licorice enjoy the tea. You might try the licorice spice tea (Stash brand I believe). It might make it more palatable. Licorice tea is also good for PMS, inflamation and bronchitis so even if you don't like it you could keep it on hand for when you…
  • If you like licorice, you can try licorice root tea. It helps cut sugar cravings and has a natural sweet flavor. It helped me get through the first week. Also I found a fairly affordable tens type unit on Amazon. It's not as good as the PT office, but it works well with a budget of $25
  • I would also like to be added. I have been on MFP for years, but I haven't really taken it seriously until now. I am trying to lose 50 lbs this year and hopefully another 30 to 50 next year. I need a little extra motivation to reach my goals
  • I have Lordosis. I'm not sure how that compares, but there are times I can barely walk ten feet without excruciating pain in my lower back and hips. The best thing I've found is to reduce foods that cause inflammation. Cutting sugar out helped with the pain more than months of Physical Therapy.