UnixGuru Member


  • Standing still this week (+0.3): SW 344.6 (3/19/17) Start challenge: 256.1 Last week (11/29): 251.9 This week: 252.2 Goal: 230 Stretch goal: 220
  • Did weigh myself Wednesday, forgot to report it here: SW 344.6 (3/19/17) Start challenge: 256.1 Last week (11/29): 256.0 This week: 251.9 Goal: 230 Stretch goal: 220 Walking weekly with the rollator did 1.43 miles last week, 1.31 this week). I may not make my 230 goal by March 1, but I will get there!
  • Going the wrong way again. This time I am +3.2 pounds. I am not giving up!!! SW 344.6 (3/19/17) Start challenge: 256.1 Last week: 252.8 This week: 256.0 Goal: 230 Stretch goal: 220
  • A “stationary” week for me: SW 344.6 (3/19/17) Start challenge: 256.1 Last week: 252.8 This week: 252.9 Goal: 230 Stretch goal: 220 I ate far too many carbs this week. So I am really going to have to watch my carb loading this week
  • Another good week, going the right way: SW: 344.7 (3/19/17) Start challenge: 256.1 Last week: 255.9 This week: 252.8 GW: 230 Stretch goal: 220
  • Previous: 257.2 Today: 255.9 Going the correct way this week
  • Forgot to weigh in Wed morning. Will do so Thursday AM. Praying I am going the correct direction
  • Completed 0.98 of a mile round trip to the park and around the walking path there. About 49 minutes, 260 calories. I’m going to need to get out the gloves as the rollator is hard on the palms of the hands. Now relaxing at home. Hope I can continue walking as the rainy season is upon us here near Portland, Oregon.
  • You can do it! It’s one foot in front of the other and if you stumbl, eat a bit too much, or not exercise enough, just pick yourself up and keep on. If I can drop 88 pounds while mostly disabled, you can lose 50. I still have about 30 to go, and I will get there. It may take 6 more months, but it is coming off and staying…
  • Really been a challenging week. More pain as I get physical therapy going. Different massage person who worked on my legs down to the knees, but it didn’t help the pain in the hips. Right hip is still very painful. Oxycoden, gabepentin, muscle relaxers, not much help. Ice helps a bit, temporarily. So discouraging and…
  • Checking in, going the wrong way this week, slightly; Last week: 256.1, today 257.2 But that’s within retaining some extra water, and the pain meds make me constipated. I need to work on adding more water into my diet, and make sure I take my prebiotic/fiber daily to help keep things rolling along.
  • We’re not handing out candy tomorrow... makes it easy to avoid it!
  • Tomorrow is a rest day. I will attempt to get laundry done and get a shower - that’s actually hard when you can’t stand long or sit on the shower stall “bench “ ;)
  • Thanks for the tips. Doing most of that. I will definitely check out the tea, and I love the Premiere Protein shakes and will try them as a creamer substitute in my coffee. I increased my walk today and made the round trip to the park (it’s an 0.89 mile m, 39 minute round trip). Laid on a park bench for a bit to make the…
  • Add me please! Don’t get into the community pages every day, but have been really working hard to meet my goal, but I could really use the accountability: SW: 344.7 (3/19/17) CW: 256.1 GW: 230 Stretch goal: 220 I’m currently physically semi-handicapped after two joints fused in my back 12/6/17, and a “repair” fusion…
  • Let me tell you my journey. 3/19/2017, I weighed 345 pounds. Last week I am down to 257. I have had 2 lumbar spinal fusions (12/6/17 & 3/26/18) and I am struggling to recover from that. I can’t sit for very long do I work from home reclining in bed. When I walk, its with a rollator (walker with wheels & a seat) and I…