Crazypotato982gtu Member


  • Not much time today but let me say... Tami, tons of goats here. Just sayin'. In case you need one...LOL. I see them every day. Also I never thought I could live without AC until I had to, but my bedroom is cool in the middle of the day so that is how I manage. Some houses are like ovens. My kitchen is, so I stay out of…
  • Hi Ladies! Thanks for the tips. Sadly, shipping to here is crazy expensive so I will have to wait a little while. Meanwhile, I am experimenting with three apps: Fitstar, Nike+ Training, and YAYOG. I must say, I am not so crazy about the just-do-the-same-four-exercises a zillion times style of YAYOG so far...I may need to…
  • I am interested. Which ones do you have?
  • Thanks, ladies! Quick question: do you have recommendations for a good challenging workout a la Cathe To the Max? I will need to do a different DVD soon, since that one has been in my rotation since mid-April. Something I guess with plenty of good step work, as challenging as To the Max. Could be Cathe or someone else. PS,…
  • Laurie, I don't have a set time limit. I came to this country nine years ago, and I am still here. A year and a half ago is when I moved to this mountainous area in the south. Before that, I lived in northern Mexico with more creature comforts and a very different culture. My staying in this area or not depends mostly on…
  • Thanks Tami! So on Sunday I logged more than 13,000 steps and 50 floors climbed...and that was a normal Sunday with no workout. Now I know how much I am walking some days! Today I just have to say that I am so was the first time ever that I made it all the way through the Cathe To the Max workout except for the…
  • Hello ladies, So my Fitbit arrived today! That's awesome because most things in this part of the country arrive late, not early. But it is here, I charged it, I linked it to my LoseIt! account and I also did my Cathe workout! I am not quite 100% better but much better than I have been. My balance was fine so I leaped up…
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome! Sadly, today I am not working out...grr, sinus infection messes with my balance and when I did Cathe's workout on Monday despite the headache, I nearly missed landing on the step a couple of times during those box jump portions of To the Max. So I know it is not smart to try again until…
  • Hello, may I please join this group? I work out with Cathe and was looking for something like this.
  • I got myself a spiralizer and now make zucchini pasta, spiralized potatoes, and all kinds of tasty things with it and there are tons of spiralized veggie recipes online. Also I learned online how to make fabulously delicious sauces from cauliflower and how to make some very satisfying veggie soups. Google any of the above…
  • I would like to improve my vegetable dishes, how to season them well and give them more flavor.
  • I am in a remote area of Mexico...I did not say where because most people do not think of it as a third-world country but in the southern mountain villages, it's very primitive still, like no indoor plumbing for instance. I didn't think anyone would believe it. Thanks for all the ideas. I never meant to imply that I needed…