dgmiller1959 Member


  • I didn't know this. I thought they were high in carbs. I'm on a low carb diet so I've stopped eating them. Can I eat them now?
  • Yessss! I did it! Thanks so much guys! Got it! For some reason it told me to eat a crazy amount of carbs. I made the adjustment.
  • Me too! We can do it. I like your philosophy.... 25 lbs. 4 x's is a great way to look at it!
  • Thank you so much! Great insight. I'm still learning how to use this app on my phone. I apologize for just getting back to you. I'll add you as a friend. I appreciate your response. I agree 100%.
  • ellenmitchell I love the Premier Shakes. You're right, they are a great source of protein and the Oikos Triple Zero. Agreed! Those are 2 great sources of protein. Does anyone know how to determine how much protein you need in a day to help with weight loss?
  • Thank you everyone! This is all great information. No, I didn't know about Stop the Thyroid Madness or the Hashi experts so this is great to know. I'm sorry you are all suffering with this terrible illness as well. I am also having Hypoxia right now along with the pain. I'm sorry Fuzzipeg that you are also having…
  • Oh gosh! I'm sorry you had to go thru that. My sister had Graves and they removed her thyroid and she had cancer. I just had my levels checked and the strange thing is that my T3 and T4 has always been normal but my TSH is extremely high. It can run as much as 600 without meds.
  • Oh sorry, btw, I do take Armour Thyroid. Do you have thyroid issues as well?
  • Yes, I have been on the medication for over 10 years, however, I don't see any improvement with my condition. Now that I'm getting older I'm developing other problems. I've been reading about gluten and nightshade vegetables but when I ask endo doctors they do not believe diet will improve my pain. I'm doing a 90 day…