theHellion Member


  • One morning I woke up and as I was trying to button my pants I finally admitted to myself I was fat. There was no more denying it. It was January 24th 2016 and I was close to 300 lbs. It wasn't drugs or alcohol that was going to do me in, it was what I was putting in my mouth that was. At 51 years old and 5' 7" I should…
  • It's easy to fool yourself with what you put in your body. My days used to start at 3:45 am. I was dragging my butt out the door by 4:30 to make my 90 minute commute to work. I would usually stop every morning and get 2 12 oz. energy drinks and a king size peanut encrusted candy bar to fuel my drive. At 9:00 am I would…