tashamagnet Member


  • What's specifically challenging for you? What are the most significant changes you anticipate? My main suggestion as someone who went straight from omnivore to vegan is to not seek out vegan versions of American food (assuming you're surrounded by Western cuisine). Instead, look to cook more ethnic dishes that…
  • I second Minimalist Baker as a source for recipes. Oh She Glows was pretty nice too, especially when I was first starting out. If you want to buy a cookbook, I highly recommend anything by Thug Kitchen.
  • Hey! I randomly found this while searching for "vegan". My name's Natasha and I'm a vegan from the Chicago area as well.
  • I've been a vegan for almost a year, now transitioning to a weight-loss friendly vegan diet. I gained a bunch of weight after being sick & I tend to overeat. Looking to get back to the basics & with more whole foods. Please add me
  • I've been a vegan for almost a year, now transitioning to a weight-loss friendly vegan diet. Please friend me and ask any questions you may have about veganism!