danford48 Member


  • @kommodevaran, How are you doing? Your notion of calories in- calories out is very simplistic and it doesn't completely work that way. It is a lot more complicated than energy going in and out of a system. First off, when you say that weight management comes down to CICO, you are assuming that all calories are created…
  • @shadow2soul Thanks for the reply, yes I'm aware that phd's are the way to go. I just linked Fung's video because it was what I was currently listening to and I was in a little bit of a hurry to post lol. I agree with you on that. Maybe I should have linked Dr. David Ludwig's video instead. As far as your Dr. Hall and Dr.…
  • @Lorilynn_37 David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D. David S. Ludwig, MD, PhD is a practicing endocrinologist and researcher at Boston Children’s Hospital. He holds the rank of Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. Dr Ludwig is Founding Director of the Optimal…
  • We all have a right to an opinion. You disagree with my opinion, nothing wrong with that but don't tell me that I think wrong please. I clearly stated "In my opinion"
  • Thanks for the replies. You have a favorite lecture on you-tube that I can view? I'm open minded, I want to view both sides on this topic. ?? Take care.
  • Grats! You managed to keep your weight off for 10 years. Most people can't do that. Nice job. My point is, your metabolism slowed down to match your current lower caloric intake. Metabolic slow down is a bad thing(in terms of weight loss). Most people would want to burn fat fast not slow.
  • Did you even watch half of the video? I clearly stated not to read on if you don't have an open mind. Nevertheless, Yes, the hormone levels specifically insulin is altered based food choices. Eat alot of candy or plain sugar and check your blood sugar 2 hours later It will rise. In simple terms, your liver turns some carbs…
  • You are twisting my words and miss quoting me. If you can maintain your weight for another 6 years then grats! You are in the 5% that was able to do it. I said 95% of all people doing CICO will probably gain weight back in the next 10 years, not "all" I'm interested in scientific studies of CICO working in the long term.…
  • I agree. Lower body weight means less calories needed but you missing my big point. You are decreasing your total energy expenditure when you lower your caloric intake. Your metabolism will adjust to the new amount of calories it is receiving until you are at maintenance. What happens if you eat above your 500 calorie…
  • Firstly, the closer you get to your idea weight, the harder it will become to lose fat because for one reason, you have less of it to burn. In my opinion, a caloric deficit is a very bad idea. Your are lowering your metabolic rate. Did you know that? If you used to eat 2,000 calories before the diet and now you eat around…
  • I've been studying nutrition as a hobby for about 10 years and I recently took 2 college semesters on nutrition. I'm not an expert but I probably know more then most people. If you have an open mind, read on otherwise stop reading here!! Firstly, a calorie deficit is a very,very bad idea. Don't do it! Shadow2soul is dead…