JoshyPoo51 Member


  • I dropped from 360 to 250 since last May. I did not see a difference at all for the first 50 either but I definitely see it now. It'll come. Stick with it.
  • My friend's mom noticed at 37 lbs down and it was such a huge motivation for me to keep going because I wasn't really seeing it myself. Of course I knew the scale was displaying the loss but I didn't see it or feel it in my body. When I got down 65ish EVERYONE I ran into was giving me props. It's been neat. I keep a little…
  • I don't know if you meant big head as in an ego or your head will legit look larger than your shrinking frame. . . but I've dropped 100 lbs. since May and my head has never looked larger :D I don't care because what am I gonna do? My head is my head.
  • Down 102lbs. since the end of May. No secrets, just sense. Track my calories. Exercise multiple times a week. Cut out fast food. It definitely required discipline to get into the healthy routine, but now that I'm deep into it I can't see myself breaking out of it and falling off the wagon. Feels good, man.