fundamentallyfitfl Member


  • calorie deficit is all you need! It's not easy but once you build those habits, you won't even think about it. I agree with William, if you look at it like a lifestyle change it's much easier. You can return to a maintenance level of cals once you reach your goal, so you won't always be in a deficit. I did the common sense…
  • Eating breakfast does not speed up weight loss. Eating less calories than your body is burning is how you do it. That being said, the best time to eat is after your workout. you have a 90 minute window after your workout where your body will be putting the nutrients exactly where they need to be. I'm not a nutritionist but…
  • If you are counting the cals and you are staying below your deficit you should be fine as far as weight loss goes, but yeah, it's not the best for your deficit. you figure you could eat like 2 1/2 salmon fillets and some broccoli, or you could have a frappucino, and the majority of a frappucino is sugar, so if you are ever…
  • Hi! I can offer a few tidbits from my experience training and my textbooks. I don't honestly know if you are going to need to gain weight after you max, but I think at some point you would. Until you get to that point, I would focus more on form, rest time between sets, maybe doing some different lat exercises and compound…
  • Hi! I'm a pt whose focus has been on weight loss for the past 4 years and there are 3 important things. You need to be in a caloric deficit, you need to strength train at least 2-3 times a week, and you need to be patient. The scale won't do you much good. I measure my clients once a month with a tape. If you do use a…
  • Hello! I'm new to my fitness pal and would like new friends!