burnsdanna Member


  • Is your shape changing ? are you actually eating enough calories? I am no expert but can share what i do for comparison, I fast 6 days a week and eat approx 1800 daily , losing approx 1lb weekly sometimes more sometimes none BUT my shape is changing. since 1 Dec 2018 I've lost 23lbs ( obvs first weeks i lost more water…
  • I have been doing IF daily 18/6 since Dec 2018 , except for a couple of weeks off during festive frenzy I've stuck to it, I've dropped 19 lbs BUT this is I believe is because of my calorie deficit, I initially found eating all my calories difficult but added tasty fat ( butter , avocado etc ) during my feeding window, I…
  • Im fasting 18 hours daily with 6 hour eating window, i did struggle initially to get all my calories eaten too but found upping my fat intake ( butter, advocado etc) helped , still leave around 200 daily for a treat or two , love fasting , its so freeing not having to think about breakfast or lunch !! I feel fantastic…
  • wow what an amazing result, you look fabulous {and about 20 years younger} congratulations on getting the 100lb 's and with your great attitude I'm sure you will get the last 10lbs no problem xx
  • Wow , you look amazing :) congratulations on your transformation, Ive lost my way a bit , but love seeing all the success stories and hope to add mine one of these days? What exercise do you do ? Dx
  • can so relate to your post , I've had a few 'false starts' but at last have my mind in the game !! Your looking fabulous x
  • I have to put my hands up here as someone who has said 'don't get to thin' and 'you've lost enough' in the past!! my friend and I were together at a well known slimming club years ago , she was doing loads better than me and losing week in and week out I however was not - may have had something to do with secretly eating…