one word....crabs
It's a Beatles kinda day
he stole all the sprinkles
an island and a big sling shot
a vacation
such amazing voices and beautiful message "Here for you"
family who are friends things that are pink
ones with giant bank accounts. guys or girls I'm not discerning
mmm Adam Levine
Now I want a ghetto blaster and a mixed cassette
You have amazing taste in music
I'm curious what kind of office would have an office dog?
What happens if someone has allergies?
you have a beautiful singing voice
using the toilet paper i mentioned earlier. It's Tuesday I'm entitled to too much information
That's brilliant
to meet him to be really close and have him whisper in my ear "word to your mother"
ya there must be something
games craziness tulips
buying toilet paper
Isn't it nice to try new things from time to time?
If a burger had egg and bacon on it wouldn't that make it a breakfast burger? Did you know at my favourite breakfast place this is on the menu?
Is it ever too early for a burger?
Isn't ice cream amazing? Aren't mushroom Swiss burgers too?
Watching tv
Aren't burgers delicious?