I have a "baby" girl from July 2015, and just had my son 4 weeks ago, I never lost the weight of my first pregnancy, and now I can't even find time to fart in private! I am SO ready to shed the pregnancy weight and get back to my real shape!
I've been on this for little over a week, and I'm almost always under my daily limit and my weight has not changed a bit
We're not even setting a date until I'm slightly comfortable with my body, 2 kids in 2 years with 70 extra pounds does something to you, only 40-50 to go! I see this post is originally from February, how's your weight loss so far?
I'm 3 weeks pp and starting to count my calories, in case I eat too much, lol! I always forget to eat, and then make horrible choices like cake, and chocolate. I need to plan ahead more,