stevembakes Member


  • I've been using MFP for over 5 years. Rarely do I ever take the time to peruse the site. Discovering this thread just now was a surprise and delight. Awesome stuff. I'm a retired chef/baker and I am so impressed with the ideas and recipes that have been posted. Nice work culinarians!
  • Just revisiting this thread after more than a year. Deckerp that is quite a streak. Awesome job. Mine is still going.
  • 2,244. I don't think I could be successful if I didn't log daily.
  • I've never been on a diet. But 2,244 days ago I started my Fitness Pal. My goal was to log all the foods I consumed for the entire day, every day. And, I reach that goal every day having not ever skipped. Because if I skipped one time I would skip a second. It's allowed me to reach my nutritional goals and maintain.
  • I'm over 1,800 consecutive days of logging all my foods. Sort of funny, I've never been on a diet my entire life (I'm a senior) but I love the management component the program affords me. It's help me meet all my goals.
  • I learned that I'm a lot more disciplined than what I ever dreamed I could be. Having lived my entire life without ever being on a formal diet, and working as a chef/baker all those years, temptation was only an arm's length away. But, in retirement I began My Fitness Pal for fitness first, weight control later. I'm a…
  • I'm a retired chef, so, daily prep is fun and easy for me. I usually have some basic root vegetables, fruits. and a meat protein like cooked chicken (save the stock if I poach it) on hand. With rice noodles, rice, pasta in the pantry, it's a matter of combining what I have with complimentary foods that go well together. If…
  • I was curious about this, too. Some great numbers out there. 917 for me.
  • My earliest recollection of learning a quote took place in grade school. Ready? 'When two vowels go walking, the first does the talking.'