uleliaam Member


  • Looking forward to the weekend, but worried I'll derail myself at a meal with friends tomorrow though. Must be strong!
  • I was also going to recommend the Thug Kitchen cook books. I'm vegetarian, nearly vegan, but my boyfriend (who I live with) is a big meat eater. We struggled for a year or two cooking different meals, or having the same but no lump of meat for me, and it got very boring, and time consuming, very quickly. I bought him the…
  • I'm working on improving my five k time after building up to running 10 k easily enough but slowly, so this is a great challenge for me. I'll add 1 mile runs to my weekly schedule, which also includes a c25k improver program and one longer run. Start month: january Minuets per mile: 11.2
  • I'm down a bit less than a pound, but quite happy as I only started Friday. 266lb is incredible between us!
  • Hey, I added my name to the spreadsheet the other day but didn't have time to post here, sorry. I've been using mfp badly for about three years. Before that I used it to lose 30lb in four months, but have since put all that back on and then some (living with my boyfriend leads to massive portions and lots of beer!). My…