Reversaldude Member


  • Very chuffed today, got back in the gym , lots of resistance training followed by 18 mins interval running. Bloody hard but I’m buzzing like a flipping Bee, no problem fasting until 1pm and loving the protein focus.
  • Hi all, I'm new on here, 56yrs and want to lose 26 kilos. Started this week and so far feeling great about it, getting used to measuring in macro nutrients for a protein heavy approach, have a nifty excel ss which calculates my macro needs, which a guy in Georgia US whipped up, who had been through a time of his own and…
  • Hi Icy, great name! I have found that scales do vary quite a lot, the thing is to not get too hung up over a kilo here or there, but to consistently weigh yourself at the same time each week. Say after doing your morning business on the exact same day each week and if your scale doesn't sync with your App or webpage, then…