Yes On a bus and missed my stop What's a secret you have been keeping?
Wow first of all what a lucky man to have you be his chef & the support you sound like you give him. In my experience with cutting for a comp so losing that very last little bit of fat you want to 1. Make sute you have enough healthy fats in your diet 2. Dont drop your calories significantly but only about 25cals every 3…
If its a priority in your life you will make time. Sacrifice a tv programme/social media for a workout theres got to be at least an hour a day of one of those that can be cut.
Whats your location Annie
Ty. Keep killing it
Hi female BB here
My suggestion for cardio is to do cardio with resistance eg stepper or cross trainer I found running eats up too much muscle. I eat high protein low carb high good fats & still able to build
Hand helds are not very accurate. Best are pinch test & tape measure.
Actually the dunk tank is one of the most accurate. The bioscans that you can pay to have done that give you your breakdown of bf% water % muscle mass etc. Everyone looks different depending on where the hold the majority of fat. Some women have abs at 15% while others may need to get lower its what you feel comfortable…