I'm new to this too, have a lot of weight to lose and want to be healthier. Could definitely do with some inspiration for clean foods that taste as good as takeaway ha ha
Near York here, always happy to have more friends/people to kick me up the a** and motivate me.
hi, I've been veggie for decades now and would never go back to meat. I love quorn products as they're so versatile and most meat eaters don't realise that it isn't meat. You can have sausages which you would cook like a normal sausage. The quorn pieces/chunks are great for adding to stir frys and the quorn fillets really…
near York :-)
I've just turned 36 but I need to lose over 100lbs. I've always been big but I've now reached my highest weight ever and I'm so frustrated at myself. I keep 'getting on the wagon' only to jump straight off and then have to start again. I need to turn my life around as I want to lead a long and healthy life and enjoy things…
sigh, where to start. I've also been massive and I've always been ashamed of it. I used to take a notepad and pen into a bakery and pretend I was ordering for the office so they didn't know it was all for me to take home and binge on. I bought a sibling mini easter eggs and secretly opened it and ate some before giving it…
well I turn 36 on Sunday which officially makes me closer to 40 than 30. Please feel free to add me, I need the kick up the as* that having friends on her gives. :-)
10 weeks today is New Years Eve, if we stick together and work hard, we could easily lose a stone or 2 by then!
yeh I'm in!