
  • Hi, I'm hoshimoto's hypothyroid and am very succesful with weight loss, exercise and FINALLY getting the right combination of all of the above. I've become very clear on what works and what doesn't and my advice came with lots of experimentation and lots of research. In fact when doctors and experts have recommended and I…
  • Amazingly vulnerable and glad you posted this. I have one trick that seems to stick ss I get to this place too often (less and less these days since this trick: Stand up for that awesome person you are. See those voices as just what they are- old jealous broken people who envy you. See yourself being protected and secure…
  • Keto is great! Please try pinterest- the infographics on Keto (and workouts) are truly great. I need pics and lists... it's where I go for that. Ps lots of water and rest seem to be extra necessary to maximize this ;) Best of luck!
  • Biggest game changer for me with the 1200 goal was learning which foods have the most sodium and find alternatives. Or else be frustrated ;( So although I thought was low truly I was very mistaken. I did all the regular cuts... back off sugar except for 1 apple and carrots and of course tomato but I'm steady shedding…