rosey203 Member


  • I do it easily but i'm very inactive. My fitbit says most times i only burn 1400-1500 - which is basically just my BMR. If i didn't do it i wouldn't lose.
  • Thank you! I will try it that way
  • Thank you. Maybe I should consider just going slower then, because I'd hate to stop losing regularly too quickly, so it would be rather off putting. I'm 5 feet 3 inches and 186lb so not sure how aggressive it is really.
  • I didn't think it would, because one day I was a little under my calories and it wouldn't show me the "if every day where like today..." estimate. I'm at about 186 lb at the moment and wanted to get to about 120, so quite a bit. so i thought 2 pounds a week for a month or two would give me a nice head start, but I am…