Cmp_83 Member


  • if it's annoying to pee so much, why not drink less?[/quote] I've noticed the more water I consume the more thirsty I become. So its either hit the 3L amount or I generally won't surpass 1L for the day. I've tried adding a tiny bit of salt & also lemon, but it does nothing for me.
    in 140 oz. Comment by Cmp_83 June 2017
  • I try to consume 3L daily pure water, I also use Hydro coach from the google play store to keep track, as if it's not a gym day I struggle to keep up averaging it out for the day. One thing I dislike is once I've started to pee after my first 1.5L I have to go like every 30 to 45 minsfor the next few hours. And good does…
    in 140 oz. Comment by Cmp_83 May 2017
  • Personally I started (IF) because I've put on some belly fat in the past 2 years as I stopped going gym and eating healthy, I've always been slim guy prior, so the extra fat on my midrift seems alien to me, I can also feel my heaviness. I've gone back to the gym now and eating better, (IF) is meant to be a good way of…