caelsav Member


  • I am 46, 5'7, and weigh 132. I'm not sure what age has to do with goal weight. I calorie cycle regularly to maintain. Some days I eat 1800 calories, while other days I eat 1200. I really like it, and it works for me. Good luck!
  • I prefer to workout at home too. I use a treadmill with an incline, so I can simulate hiking in the mountains. I live in Florida, so it's a great way to prepare for camping vacations in hilly and mountainous areas. I vary the incline throughout each workout, and I really work up a sweat. One way that I ensure that I keep…
  • Thank you for pointing this out, @teranga79. I can't possibly imagine what you all go through. I'm glad you have each other for support. We all have our own battles. They just vary for each person. Keep doing your best. That's all you can do.
  • I was just using his terminology @pierinifitness. I also don't like the word "cheat" because it is associated with doing something bad, which isn't healthy either. The point is that all or nothing thinking is unhealthy. A healthy relationship with food is not feeling bad about what you're eating. A good way to do that is…
  • Why don't you just shorten the cycle? Eat clean/keep track 5-6 days out of the week, and then give yourself a binge day or two.
  • They key is vegetables. TONS of vegetables. Eat as much as you want. The older I get, the more I put on my plate. Meat and starches take up about a quarter to half of my plate combined. They should not be the stars of your meal. I eat tons of salads, fresh vegetables, homemade soups, etc... I sprinkle nuts or cheese on top…