CAAndrews1 Member


  • That's awesome! How are you adjusting drop fat to the new macros? I know when i first started i had about 3 days where i missed or craved certain things. But after that i was good. I feel like i was one of the lucky ones because i never had the keto flu. Keep it up and i look forward to hearing how you progress.
  • what is considered too rapid of weight loss? 72 pounds is a large number seemingly on the surface and it sounds even great when you say "over 4 months". That averages to about 4 pounds a week. That in and of itself can seem like a large amount on the surface, but anyone trying to lose weight or who has tried in the past…
  • Go back to the way I was eating before which was more of a High fat, low carb, moderate protein way of eating. Listen, I appreciate your insight and opinion, as well as you willingness to try and help... I truly do. But this is a Keto challenge stream and so far every comment you have made is why Keto is bad. I can tell…
  • Another day on the egg fast to break my keto weight loss stall and man is it working! This morning I got on the scale and was down another 2 pounds! I made egg salad today for lunch using 4 eggs, 2 servings of mayo, a splash of hot sauce, and 2 ounces of shredded Swiss cheese mixed together. Swiss cheese was not the best…
  • Today was a good day for the egg fast. I felt full most of the day and came no where near my daily caloric max. I also woke up another pound or so down. If i continue steadily at this pace, by the end of day 9 I be down almost 15 pounds! That, I can definitely handle! Today was 6 eggs, 6 fats, and 3 ounces of cheese. I was…
  • So after a full day of egg fasting yesterday, and going over my daily caloriez by more than 800, I still managed to lose about a pound. I did implement my intermittent fasting today and that not only finished my day off with more than 200 calories to spare... I also felt a lot fuller and more satisfied towards the end of…
  • It really is an enjoyable way to eat sustainably. A word of advice... for the first 2 or 3 weeks, try and avoid some off the keto substitute items until you really get the hang of it and actually get into ketosis. Don't spoil yourself with keto breads and things of that nature. It could stall you. Best of luck and glad you…
  • How is everyone's day of keto going? With starting an egg fast today, I figured I would input my starting weight of 241. I am going to attempt this thing for 5- 7 days. I can tell already that i am eating too many eggs because i just ate lunch and am already a little over 200 calories from my daily total. They say not to…
  • Fruits and keto don't mix in most cases unless you are in more of a maintenance phase. It has everything to do with limiting the amount of insulin you allow your pancreas to produce from the glucose you supply it (sugars and carbs). The important thing to note is that your carbs come from your veggies, but you want to make…
  • I re- started my weight loss efforts back in March of this year. After being out of the military 1 year I had a host of health issues and was fat! I looked in the mirror on 6 March and decided I was tired of being 34, 307 pounds, taking a fist full of prescriptions every day and still feeling like crap! So I made a change.…