Drumsticks since I can get SF versions of those snickers or milky way bars?
Yuck Chicago mix popcorn (mix of cheddar and caramel flavored popcorn)
since I like gyroes i'll go with Mediterranean. Gala or red delicious apples?
false-i have done so in the past on rare occasions but my current money situation won't permit that sort of thing now. TNP thinks soccer fans are weirder than Science fiction fans
the stuffed bell peppers for me milk chocolate or dark chocolate
I like my steaks medium. well is too cooked and anything below medium might as well be out grazing again. orange chicken or sesame chicken
sorry but have to say Yuck for that combo cream cheese and lox on a bagel
I'm going to ask for some help in identifying a sample of cheese I one had at a medieval dinner. It was a white cheese with a texture similar to jack or swiss (no holes). The thing I can remember most was it smelled like dirty sneakers but it tasted better than it smelled. Any Ideas?
I am so happy to have found this forum. I like most kinds of cheese except for blue cheeses and Cheese Whiz (UGH!!)
Neither, my heart condition wouldn't allow it WYR go Fishing or Bird watching
False Knows what "Doctor Who" is
oh definite yum guacamole?
false-what kind of heathen would do that? Loves superhero movies
cherry blossoms Star Wars or Star Trek
that's tough since i've never had it. corned beef itself -yum pickled herring
False-definite night owl TNP is a science fiction fan