MacBugg Member


  • I have been using them kind of randomly... if I've fallen off the keto-wagon my based-on-little research assumption has been that they help me transition back in to "eating right." My 16 year old ADD-ish son (who has an RX for ADD meds but hates the way they make him feel) takes the caffeinated version in the mornings…
  • Love it! I am going to try out the mojo-meter thing. Must be a lot pressure to compete because my favorite supplier is down to $1.46/strip (if you buy 2 sets of 50) for Precision Xtra w/ free 2-3 day shipping . Maybe the price on these things is really going to stay down this…
  • You're welcome - and thank YOU because this reminded me to order Precision Xtra blood ketone strips and they have 'em the cheapest I've seen right now (under $1.60/strip right now) if you buy 50 or so- woo hoo! @62apples , I need to get a meter for my sister, so I will report…
  • When I am trying to get back in to ketosis (& fully fat-adapted) I get a little obsessive and do it 2-3 times a day. After I know that I am in, just 1-3 times a week.
  • Oops-the correct link is . I just bought 9 sets of 10 strips and (with the bonus) they came out to about $1.95/strip w/ free ship. (These strips also work perfectly in my husband's Relion Ultima meter.)
  • I know this is old but I'm, just getting started with Keto again & am blood ketone strip shopping today. The same place I bought from years ago still has the best price on Precision Xtra strips (from the USA) that I can find ($1.82/strip on sets of 100 right now w/ free 2-3 day shipping):…
  • This was helpful. I'm trying to research ways to deepen keto after a bad day myself.
  • 45 here. Recently took a course of steroids, ate like a mad woman and now am facing 18-20 pounds that I had taken off for 3 previous years. Eating keto-ish worked for me last time (for the big reduction) -- hoping it can again.