CYNWK12 Member


  • I recently purchased the Veggie Bullet system...they have blades for all kinds of noodles...the Udon noodle blade is good for Zucchini keeps them fairly thick so when you add the sauce and other items, the noodles don't dissolve into the sauce...also, if you are making a salad, you can spiralize all kinds like…
  • I'm supersize...have lost 50lbs...200 to go...add me too!
  • Doing this Fit Board Routine every day. Well, an adapted version for my personal best.
  • Hello BarbieCat Thank you for starting this motivation and support topic! Since May is my first full month after a relapse/respite, I am starting off slowly. My focus is overall well-being. My goals: My eating plan. My exercise plan: Water Exercise: Started with 30 minutes for the first 2 weeks, and am now up to 40…