vick13091978 Member


  • First, I disagree with your nickname. You are here, there is hope! Insulin resistance is in reality the first stages of type 2 diabetes. This is serious! You MUST (there are no buts or maybes) ELIMINATE CARBS. You need to look at Keto and Intermittent Fasting. You can find on Youtube dr. Berg, Thomas deLauer, Jason Fung,…
  • Have you tried Intermittent Fasting? Look it up, there is a lot of info on Youtube (dr. Berg - Keto and Intermittent fasting). You could skip that meal if it hurts you that bad....
  • If you have belly fat that stays, and you are losing fat everywhere else, please research Insulin Resistance. It is the most defining symptom. Look at dr. Berg on Youtube.