eisenbau Member


  • I tried. Twice And they wouldn't change. I was hoping if more users raised the topic they might listen........ Or I might run a macro to create thousands of foods with serving descriptions like 'a smidge', 'a tadge', 'a bit', 'some', 'humongous', '10 billion atoms', 'greedy person size'., 'not that hungry portion'…
  • Nothings free... adverts.... :) or you do pay... It's not really much to ask given how smart the website is to make it more professional. If they can take the trouble to create all the cool reports e.g., then making a minor change to the food creation tool is very easy and make the whole site more attractive / easy to use…
  • You are missing the point. Why should I have to wade through rows of the garbage that has been entered to find something meaningful? Example, a slice of apple pie can be anything from 170 to 515 calories. How do I know the size of the 'slice'??? If I buy apple pie in a bakery and know its about 150 grammes, I should be…