I always thought swimming burned lots of calories. i always see my biggest results on holiday & I assumed that was because of all the swimming, now I'm just confused
All of a sudden this thread gained a more serious tone. Thank god
You don't exist
Nope not at all. They very well could be like us. But to assume they can only ever be like us and not have green skin or 4 eyes is ludicrous
No your physical body would be, but your physical body is the exact opposite of what a ghost is . So no you wouldn't
why is that ludicrous? To think they would be anything remotely like us in not only ludicrous, but also very arrogant & small minded
Why would there be? Think about it? if your a ghost the last place you'd want to be is in a graveyard
Your dead to me pmsl
This has been an eye opener lol. that one guy who thought all planets were the same age lol that other turtle guy who fancied his odds at 1 in 60billion pmsl night hahaha
Cos I lived in the house for 18 years, that's a lot to try and talk about in one short post.
Don't get any more rational then that my friend
What are you even going on about? You've tried to be funny & it's failed miserably, please go give your poor little brain some rest.
Fire turtle will be crying now as I'm not the only one with a brick short of a house apparently lol
good luck with those odds fellas pmsl, delusional
I don't believe they did
Lol really? Your the minority my friend, look it up, the common belief in today's society is that yes life does exist elsewhere in the universe, even the top scientists are now saying it. If you think we are alone or that you know more then them then good like to ya haha
What do you mean?????? None of this makes much sense "their planets are no older then ours" there planets out there that are millions of years older then ours. Our earth is still a baby in the grand scheme of things. There is a very good chance that life evolved millions of years ahead of us.
so I'll ask you again then lol who was your *kitten* little photo and comments Aimed towards? You said it reminds you of someone in this thread.
youve just been mocking the subject for the last god knows how long why would I waste my energy?
So who was you aiming it towards then give me a specific name? Because you pretty much quoted what I said ....well everything except the part you made up, about me wanting to tell a story
Not happening
All I'm saying is we're not alone, that's my belief. If you want to believe that we are, that's cool, I'm not here to make you think anything different.
plenty on the internet
im still waiting ..........oh what's that? You assumed lol
Yup you sure did. But not once did I say I was here to tell a story. This is just a great example of people assuming
Again, this goes exactly with what I'm trying to say! Science doesn't have the answers.